ACT is Excited to Participate in 401Gives

Please consider a gift to ACT in your 401Gives contributions this year! 401Gives is an annual statewide fundraising event offering Rhode Islanders the opportunity to make a difference in their communities by supporting not-for-profit programs. You can give anytime between Monday, April 1 and Tuesday, April 2 so mark your calendars, bookmark our 401Gives page, and share with friends and family to declare your support for our mission and programs.

Stoneacre Garden is graciously hosting a Farmers Market Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, April 4 at 6 PM. 10% of proceeds will be donated to ACT and our Aquidneck Growers Market. Tickets for this seasonal feast can be purchased here.

Mark your calendar for ACT's annual fundraiser, Summer Bounty! Join us on Tuesday, June 18, at Stoneacre Garden from 6 - 9 PM to enjoy abundant tastings by local food and beverage vendors, live music by Lois Vaughan Music, and fun silent auction opportunities — all in support of our vital community programs. Tickets and partnership opportunities are now available. Don't miss out on early bird pricing - get your tickets today!

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