A generous donor has given ACT the challenge of raising $15,000 in new donations by September to secure their match. Will you help us reach our goal? Your donation will be put to work reducing food insecurity and empowering our community to grow and eat fresh foods. Your gift supports program such as:
The Root Riders: The summer youth employment program for local high schoolers to learn how to grow, harvest, and sell produce... on bicycles!
Pell Elementary School Garden Classes: Weekly hands-on lessons in the school garden where students observe the life cycle of plants, the value of pollinators, composting, how veggies grow and the importance of including them in life-long, healthy food habits.
Great Friends Kids Program: Children attending the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center summer camp visit their plot at Great Friends Community Garden where they experience the wonder that a flourishing garden offers.
Aquidneck Growers Markets: Serving as sales outlets for over 40 farmers and food businesses, our markets deliver fresh foods directly to the community while also offering Bonus Bucks, a nutrition incentives program that increases the spending power of shoppers using SNAP, making fruits and veggies more affordable.
Fresh-picked produce delivered to Donovan Manor residents: Last year, two thousand pounds of fresh-picked vegetables were donated from our gardens to neighbors in need. We are on our way to doubling that number in 2021.